€ 429,90
The replica was made with the highest quality components with great attention to detail and a resemblance to the original.
Almost the entire replica, except for a few small elements, was made of steel.
An exception is of course the polymer pistol grip and the lacquered plywood forend with gas tube cap. In addition, the side-folding stock was made of steel.
This replica in the EBB version features a complete bolt carrier that largely conforms to the original.
The EBB recoil imitation system in this case is very noticeable due to the movement of the entire bolt and not just a replica of the charging handle, as is the case with replicas from other manufacturers.
The greatest satisfaction comes, of course, when the fire mode selector is set to fully automatic!
The remaining parts of the gearbox are fully compatible with the V3 gearbox standard.
Product weight [g]3070
Minimum length [mm]735
Product length [cm]73.50
Almost the entire replica, except for a few small elements, was made of steel.
An exception is of course the polymer pistol grip and the lacquered plywood forend with gas tube cap. In addition, the side-folding stock was made of steel.
This replica in the EBB version features a complete bolt carrier that largely conforms to the original.
The EBB recoil imitation system in this case is very noticeable due to the movement of the entire bolt and not just a replica of the charging handle, as is the case with replicas from other manufacturers.
The greatest satisfaction comes, of course, when the fire mode selector is set to fully automatic!
The remaining parts of the gearbox are fully compatible with the V3 gearbox standard.
Product weight [g]3070
Minimum length [mm]735
Product length [cm]73.50
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