The E&L AK-12 electric airsoft pistol from E&L features an exceptionally high degree of realism that is expected from previous replicas. Similar to the original, the replica features mainly internal steel elements. The polymer parts only include the handguard along with the gas tube cover, pistol grip, magazine and stock.
It is important to note that the steel elements have undergone an anodization, which makes their appearance even more realistic, also sometimes the abrasion process of the anodization gives a much better effect than in the case of painted or lacquered replicas.
A great deal of effort has also been made to make the weight of the replica as close as possible to that of the original. It is heavy and moreover a correct balance is guaranteed by the external steel barrel. Of note is undoubtedly the possibility of partial disassembly of the replica, without the need for tools. Everything is based on pins and levers. The manufacturer has taken care of the smallest details to bring the product as close as possible to the original.
The ELAK12 is powered by a durable V3 gearbox featuring a quick-change spring system that allows the replica muzzle speed to be adjusted to current course rules without having to disassemble the gearshift frame.
6.04mm precision inner barrel
Hop-Up metal chamber
Kit consisting of a silent piston head and cylinder
Spring guide with ball bearings
High Torque motor on neodymium magnets
Length 880mm - 945mm
Weight 3850g
x1 E&L AK-12 RAF AEG Rifle - Black (EL-A116S)
x1 mid-cap magazine 120bb
x1 User Manual